Saturday, October 8, 2016

My Fragrantica Interview and Giveaway!

So... I was recently interviewed on by my good friend Daniel Barros, and I never expected to receive the amount of attention that I received! Now, I won't go as far as spoiling what is spoken about and covered in the article, but I will mention that I was interviewed on my upcoming book, my YouTube channel, and the way that I use fragrance in my classroom! This interview was so much fun to do, and I want to take another moment to thank Daniel from the bottom of my heart for giving me this wonderful opportunity.

I first encountered several years ago when I was redirected there upon watching a YouTube video.  It was a video on the channel Hiroyoruzuka, and the YouTuber, Miguel, mentioned fragrances like Chergui, L'air du Desert Marocain, Duro, and Original Santal.  Being as though I had never heard of these fragrances before, I took a particular interest in discovering what they are all about.  A quick Google search brought me to Fragrantica, and I remember curiosity enveloping me, and I ended up getting a few samples on  A few days later, when they arrived, I remember being in olfactory heaven.  It's hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I have now had the opportunity to be interviewed on this perfume lovers' bible that initially got me into the world of niche fragrances.  Thank you all for taking the time to read the article, and if you comment below the article with the hashtag #imasubscriber, I will enter you in the giveaway for a chance to win an official sample set of 10 fragrances by the brand Commodity! Thank you for reading and entering!

Here is the article:

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