Friday, November 25, 2016

A Black Friday without Fragrances!

I'd like to begin by wishing everyone a happy belated Thanksgiving! On a day like today when much of the nation's population is out trying to snag a great deal, I have decided to keep my wallet closed and not add another bottle to my ever-expanding collection of fragrances. With nearly 600 bottles in my collection, it's easy to consider the addition of another bottle and to regard it as negligible. However, I decided to be thankful for what I have, and I stayed home with friends to make good conversation and stuff my face with the cornucopia of food laid out on my kitchen table.

Alright. I'll stop the self-pity now before it starts.

My scent of the day today is 1 Million Privee. After wearing this fragrance several times, I still can't get a grasp on what it reminds me of. It clearly possesses something that I have connected to a time when I was much younger, but I honestly just can't put my finger on it completely. Of all of the flankers coming out in the industry, it's refreshing to try one that isn't redundant or a clear attempt to milk the consumers' wallets by releasing a product inferior to the original. As a matter of fact, I would consider this an enhanced and more robust version of the original (which I also enjoy quite a bit). All in all, I think this fragrance did pretty well today, and it was well received.

Another highlight was getting the chance to make a recommendation for a friend who's getting married in a few months. I had her try a few fragrances, and she loved Aventus for Her over everything else. Days like these validate the appeal of what many would consider overhyped fragrances. I say that people sing high praise for them for a reason. Not much to my surprise, when I sprayed Aventus on skin, the compliments started flowing in! I made sure to get her reaction on camera! I will be sure to include it in a future video!

So, what fragrance did you wear on Thanksgiving? Let me know by commenting below! Also, please don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for future videos, top 10s, giveaways, unboxings, and a lot of fragrance reviews! Thanks!

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