Saturday, November 26, 2016

Chanel Sycomore Fragrance / Cologne / Perfume Review

Chanel has put out some classic and iconic perfumes. Their repertoire and resume are things to be reckoned with. With some beauties in their standard line of perfumes (No. 5, Antaeus, Pour Monsieur, et. al.), it's difficult to imagine how they would up the quality and craftsmanship of their fragrances in their private and more exclusive line of fragrances. Chanel has truly put together a masterpiece with Sycomore.

You are greeted with the smell of warm and damp earth. The note of vetiver provides the fragrance with a natural and organic feel that, the likes of which, I've only experienced in one other fragrance. That fragrance being Encre Noire by Lalique. Sycomore is tame yet unapologetic. It speaks of profound class, yet there is also an unpolished nature about it. It's the fragrance that you don't fall in love with at first. You have to build a relationship with it. Since it was love at first sniff for me, I've only loved it more and more the more that I've worn it.

Once the vetiver begins to calm down, the base reveals some warm, rich resins that give off an exotic vibe. This is certainly not your traditional, generic, plain cologne. There is something enigmatic about Sycomore. It's a scent that truly needs to be experienced first handedly.

While I would love to wear this fragrance every day, its exclusive nature and price tag begs for formal wear. The winter is also when this fragrance shines. It will last over 10 hours on your skin, and it will produce a scent that radiates beyond an arm's length. If you're looking for something dark, deep, rich, and unapologetic that will get you noticed, look no further. Thank you for reading.

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